Monday, October 20, 2008

Artists in the Workforce

New data was released at the National Performing Arts Convention on how American artists fit into the greater society.

"More NEA news came from the chairman himself, Dana Gioia, who introduced a new agency study, “Artists in the Workforce,” which calculates that self-defined artists—numbering almost two million—are one of the largest classes of workers in the nation, only slightly smaller than the U.S. military’s active-duty and reserve personnel. Artists, Gioia said, now represent 1.4 percent of the U.S. labor force."

The June convention covered many other things including the current outlook for the arts and how to increase profile and accessibility. There is a lot of good things to think about from the leaders in American theatre; both our artists and advocates. Take a moment and read over the synopsis of the event - I think you'll be glad you did.

Happy Birthday: Sidney Kingsley (1906-1995) and Bella Lugosi (1882-1956)

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